Monday, June 25, 2007

Working from home

On Mondays I work from home. On the one hand it is a very peaceful experience and a good opportunity to catch up on paperwork that otherwise threatens to overspill all over my life. On the otherhand it can be isolating and its sometimes frustrating to be stuck upstairs doing usually boring but necessary tasks when there is so much fabric elsewhere in the house. However, one virtue I have is that I can be self-disciplined and stick at the work and resist the temptation to sneak off quilting.

Of course, health and safety and general efficiency do require that you do have little micro-breaks from the tasks at hand. So far today these have been nicely catered for by

* A blog comment emailed to me

* the snail mail arriving with some leaflets about Festival Of Quilts tucked in between work related envolopes

* an email newsletter from the Fat Quarter Shop

* a courier arriving with parcels of samples of 20 different waddings to to try.

* a phone call to the self-employed long arm quilter ( who obviously has a better definition of work than I do as she was in Sainsbury's at the time!) to say that I can probably push back the date with her to use her machine back by two days to Monday 9th July which (a) suits as I will go past(ish) her place on the way to a hotel in York for work the next day anyway and (b) Gives me two whole more weekend days to finish the quilt! Yeah! ( Caveat; she said probably - she needs to get her grocieries home and check. Fingers crossed.)

So now, (at 3.30 ish here ) I am going to chuck a suit in a case and nip over to Leeds ( via the post office) for a job tomorrow, hopefully missing the rush hour. En Route at around Bradford I am going to nip to the Borders on the retail park for Zen tea and a read of the US quilting mags and then, after an expenses paid meal (during which I will read this book ( because it lies flat on the table!!) will hole up with quilting podcasts (there is nothing on TV!) and sew more leaves and petals on..... oh come on, three quarters of a work day was not bad going!!

Mum asked my husband recently whether quilting was a hobby or an obsession. Its both - and I'm proud of it!!

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